Coronavirus Couples' Choice Award Reverend's Notes Wedding Packages

Oops, We Did It Again!

Weddings with Reverend Jim Beidle Wins the 2021 Couples Choice Award!

2020 started gamely enough, with two weddings in January and a handful of couples booking for later in the year throughout the first two months. Of course, everyone knows what happened in March. When Coronavirus arrived in the Pacific Northwest, it was “common knowledge” that there could not possibly be weddings. So much for common knowledge! Every bit of praise goes to the brave couples whose uncommon wisdom ensures #LoveWins! And the Couples’ Choice for 2020 included choosing Weddings with Reverend Jim Beidle.

An Amazing Year

Weddings with Reverend Jim Beidle saw tremendous growth in 2020 as I worked with couples to find new, pandemic-safe, and legal ways to tie the knot. These fantastic people are ready to build their lives on the foundation of marriage. Therefore, they chose different ways to make their celebrations happen.

Many who originally booked a traditional wedding moved it to a future date, some as far out as two years from the original day. Other couples downsized their celebration to fit the requirements to minimize the possibility of spreading COVID-19. Several made couples made a choice to celebrate with an Elopement or Micro-Wedding in 2020 with an eye toward a traditional celebration when circumstances allow.

Speaking of Elopement

Last year was a banner year for planned Micro-Weddings and last-minute