Coronavirus Military Discount Rescheduling Wedding Packages

Don’t Give Up the Ship

The USS Chesapeake captured in the bloodiest frigate battle of the War of 1812. F. Muller / Public domain

June 1 is “Don’t Give Up the Ship Day” in the United States. It commemorates the lasting message uttered by Captain James Lawrence of the USS Chesapeake when the British Navy boarded his ship while he lay mortally wounded on June 1, 1813. Despite orders not to engage in battle, Lawrence fought the HMS Shannon in Massachusetts bay, near Boston. The resultant action was the bloodiest frigate fight of the War of 1812, and the crew lost the ship to the British in about fifteen minutes.

Under normal circumstances, Lawrence would have been held accountable for his defeat. Instead, he died a hero, and his words have lived on for more than 200 years. The phrase became the unofficial motto of the Navy, and two months after the Chesapeake’s loss, the Navy christened the USS Lawrence in his honor. The Captain of the Lawrence, Oliver Hazard Perry, commissioned a blue ensign emblazoned with the phrase. Perry, under that flag, led his squadron of nine ships to victory in the Battle of Lake Erie just three months after Lawrence’s devastating defeat.

Cool Story, but…

What does that have to do with weddings?

I’m here to say, “Don’t give up the ship!” The recent pandemic and our wretched national news aside, your wedding is a beacon of hope. And, I will help you make it happen!

Whatever your situation, we can make your marriage ceremony happen this year. I’m coming up with several new programs to make your wedding goals achievable and affordable. Keep checking the blog and the rest of the website for details, or get in touch and let’s figure it out together.

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New Military Discount!

It also makes a great story to inaugurate my Military Discount program. I am a military veteran, and, like anyone, I enjoy getting a deal. I hadn’t really thought about this, since the packages I’ve put together already embody a 20% discount over the a-la-carte prices.

Given the way things have gone for us in 2020, this is something that makes sense. Many military couples are on a financial tightrope, especially with the lay-offs in King and Snohomish county. So, this is my first step toward helping couples out.

15% Discount for Active and Veteran Military

With a valid proof of service for either party, I’ll give you a 15% discount on any wedding or elopement package. Proof of service is an Active Duty or Veteran ID card, or a scan of your DD-214 showing an Honorable or General discharge. There’s no expiration on this deal.

So, whether you are a new client or have already scheduled your wedding for 2020 or 2021, get in touch with me to take advantage of this offer. And, of course, you can only take on discount at a time.

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Thank you veterans in a dog tag
From one Veteran to another, thank you for your service.